"In All Things Showing God's Love"

Welcome Brothers & Sisters

Shine in the love of God's grace, every day.

At River of Life Church-Oshkosh, it's our mission to help you explore your relationship with God and improve those meaningful relationships in your family life. Join us each Sunday and experience the warmth of faith and the strength of our community.

What's New's?

Basic Information

What Do We Teach?

We use The Entire Bible as the foundation for our faith and the inspiration for our daily lives. We put those teachings into practice at home and at work.

River of Life Church-     Oshkosh

​​440 W. South Park Avenue, Oshkosh, WI                           920-230-2444

What to expect when you attend a service

We open in prayer and have worship singing followed by a message given to us by the pastor.  We have prayer for the sick and needy before dismissing and we have fellowship to follow with refreshments.

​​Sunday Morning Service                                                     10:00am

**followed by a time of fellowship at the back of the church with refreshments.

​Tuesday Evening Prayer                                                       6:00pm

Wednesday Evening Bible Study                                         6:30pm

Saturday Mens & Womens Group                                        9:00am